Saturday, January 26, 2013

Samurai Deeper Kyo Manga Opinion

Samurai Deeper Kyo Opinion Review

One of many Samurai Deeper MMV's
 I used this one cause it shows many characters and small portions of the manga but many of the MMV's out pretty much spoil the ending this one doesn't.

Samurai Deeper Kyo is a very Long Manga with a huge following. If you have not read this you are missing out. It is an excellent Manga. This is the very first Samurai manga I ever read and I became addicted to the genre because of it. I then sprouted off into martial arts as well. But before Samurai Deeper Kyo, the things closest to the Samurai genre I had read were probably Bleach and Inuyasha.

*Rant about the anime... skip it if you don't plan to watch the anime
I first want to say though this is a review of the Manga, by no means should you read the Manga and then go to the Anime with any expectations, you will be severely disappointed. If you must watch the Anime, you should do so before you begin reading or at least before you read more than the first 10 chapters. The anime shares the name, some of the main characters, and some parts of some of the battle as well as the dislike between Kyo and Kyoshiro in the beginning but that is where the likeness ends. They even added a main character to Kyo's team and took out all the shiseiten except Akira and Hotaru. However, my biggest qualm about the anime is Where is the Mibu (they play a cameo appearance near the ending in the dark with only hotaru and his half brother and those 2 dumb doctor bimbo's when they first get to the Mibu area. There is no story line. The Crimson King is mentioned but never mentioned again. Then the thing that pissed me off most of all was the ending. I promise there will not be a single person who isn't like "what the f*ck" if they read it and if they didn't they may think like that too the probability is good and if they don't they will almost assuredly go online looking answers on what really happened in the end if the anime doesn't turn you off to the series completely. Sakuya is pretty much a dumb b*tch in both. Yuya has dumb moments in both especially in the beginning. However, she at least can fight with more than that gun that hits nothing in the anime and her annoying personality doesn't last forever. Finally other than the ending which was the biggest issue of the whole anime, The visit with Muramasa was just wrong in so many ways. They tried to put important parts into the Anime that didn't fit with the amended story line. The amended story line was garbage. Ill let you watch it and draw your own conclusions but I suggest you watch it first unless you want to have an extremely unfavorable outlook on it and go into it with the thoughts in mind that no matter how bad it is, the manga is awesome.

*Now onto my Manga Review
This manga is extremely long. It is completed with a total of 308 chapters. But the whole thing is well worth your time. I promise. It is well written and well drawn. In my personal opinion it was a shame it ended when it did. I wished they went further into the future. But perhaps after the creator finnishes their newest series called Code Breaker they will do some small additions to the story. Though most likely they wouldn't do more than little specials with the characters in it. Personally, I started their new series Code Breaker only because it was created by the people who made Samurai Deeper. Some of the Characters remind me of Samurai Deeper Characters. However, in my opinion, though it is popular, Code Breaker pales in comparison to Samurai Deeper Kyo.

There are some major questions I would ask if I were to ever get a chance to speak to the author. Some of them I couldn't tell you until you finished the series because it would spoil some things for you. My biggest question is  about the "True Mibu" people. According to the story, they were damn near immortal. With such a long period of living, and so many powers, I had wondered if a Mibu decided to be with a normal human being, was it within their ability to make the normal human's life longer, or would the normal person just get old and then the Mibu would leave and move on alone? That is one of the biggest questions I have, I assume the creator has been asked before or thought about it at least, so I wonder what their answer would have been. Maybe they couldn't save them so they would kill them while they are still young and bring their loved one back as a Just kidding.

Sakuya is my least favorite Character in the Anime as well as the Manga. She drives me absolutely insane in the Anime. However, in the Manga she is still almost as retarded. Though to be honest, I must say, the pairing of Her and Kyoshiro is correct. Kyoshiro has the passive, stupid, nice guy, protective, understanding, and lenient thing going on. He is also a extremely good Sword fighter if he has to protect someone he cares about. Sakuya is the stupid, selfish, klutzy  want her cake and eat it to, interfering  and getting in trouble, tragic heroin type. So there is nobody better for them but each other, though I am sure she wishes that Kyo was still into her so she could string him along together with Kyoshiro. One of her biggest flaws is never thinking things through, Sakuya cannot fight but pretty much left to go to the enemy's side when she was in hiding hoping she could do....... what? hoping she could do what? She can't fight all she can do is see the future and the enemy had been looking for her to use her abilities and everyone was trying to protect her for her sake. She is a dunce.

Now with that out of my system. My favorite Character most obviously is Kyo. Kyo has exceptional skills with a sword, and the ability to get better quickly. He doesn't have the stupid moral dilemmas that are prevalent in so many other samurai/ martial arts manga and manhwa ,main characters. Yes you can still see this type in Kyoshiro but Kyo has no qualms with killing the enemy so long as they cannot be swayed. He shows himself off as a bad man but he is more complicated than that. He doesn't warm up to people easily but that in my opinion is to be expected with the type of life he lived up until he meet his current group. He is handsome but he also is very cute in his way to express his emotions toward a girl he doesn't just want to sleep with. He treats Yuya the way a elementary school kid treats a crush. In my opinion that is so cute. He also has shown that he is willing to do whatever it takes to keep safe those he treasures and cares about though he would not ever verbally say so. Kyo is yet another example of the type of man that has almost completely disappeared in our current era. He may be a fictional character but in my opinion back then, in Asia at least, honor seemed to be very important and what constituted honor was a lot different and more strict than what we consider to be honorable today. But maybe other people would disagree.

I could go on and on about the Samurai Deeper Kyo manga. After all it is one of my all time favorites. However, I am sure some of you have gotten sick of reading this post some time ago. So, without further ado, This is the last thing I will tell you. Over all, Samurai Deeper Kyo is an extremely violent manga, the anime is as well though not as bad as the manga. There is also plenty of adult conversations, thoughts, and topless shots especially in the beginning of the manga. So I would have to say, though some younger kids would be good with the anime, the manga is another matter. I cannot suggest that children read it unless you as a parent read it first and think otherwise. This is more geared toward older teens and adults. However, if you have no issues with violence and have not had a chance to try this manga. I suggest you do. It is  very well done and I am sure quite a few people will really enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. Best manga ever...they need to trash the anime lol. If they could redo it hopefully they could flow the art style or fighting style of Samurai Champloo? Perhaps follow the manga..I feel that its a underrated manga idk why it was awesome..anyways nice review :)
