Sunday, May 26, 2013

Honorable Baek Dong Soo Opinion

Honorable Baek Dong Soo Manhwa Opinion Review

(The Swordsman)

This Manhwa has a great story line to it and the art is in my opinion really awesome. I love historical genre, though it may at times only loosely fit history. History is really interesting in my opinion especially war and conflict so I usually enjoy these types as long as there is some depth and story line to it and good art.
This Manhwa is complete in Korea and has become a well known K-Drama so when you look it up many times you will stumble on the K-drama even more than the Manhwa itself. I have not had the chance to watch the show yet. However, I hope I can find a subtitled version at some point because from the shots I had seen looked pretty interesting. However, personally I prefer to read.
I have only been able to read 2 volumes of this Manhwa so far since that is all that is scanned into English. I hope it makes it to be licensed in English but as of now it is licensed in French, which gives me at least some hope for English copies. The people who originally did the scans have put the project on hold about a year ago. Though they have not dropped it completely so hopefully they will pick it back up when they have some time. Honestly I wish they would replace it with one of their others until it is finished. However, they do scan a few of my favorites on a regular basis so maybe I am being selfish. It has left me really hoping to be able to finish reading it though. I wish I could read French.
The main character's name is the same as the title, Baek Dong Soo. He is a interesting guy who seems slightly thick headed but has good instincts for fighting. He has the type of personality I enjoy in a main character of this genre. He is a underdog now but has a huge amount of latent talent which is like the usual main characters in these types of stories. However, there are tons of mysteries surrounding him and others within the Manhwa. There is also lots of conspiracies, and many things that are not how they appear even in the early stages of the story. This Manhwa grabs the attention of it's readers and keeps it.
The art is really good. The characters are drawn intricately and the fight scenes are drawn extremely well too. The art does a good job of living up to the story. Personally other than the fight scenes I like how the clothing is drawn. I know that is a odd thing to pay attention to, however, that is just me. One of my biggest issues with some other manga and Manhwa out there is that the story is great but the art doesn't live up to the story. In this one however, the art never disappoints.
I suggest this to anyone who enjoys historical and action genres. It is a violent story so if you dislike that type, you probably will not like this one. However if you like action, you will most likely enjoy this Manhwa like me. So check it out. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Annarasumanara Opinion

Annarasumanara Manhwa Opinion Review


This Manhwa was extremely interesting. When I read the description I was not sure I would actually like it and passed over it many times. Finally I tried it for the first time about a month ago. I was hooked from close to the beginning on and was not able to put it down until I finished reading it. It is very interesting and has some excellent plot twists. I wished something else would have happened in the ending. Though the creator left it in a way that satisfied me slightly on the last page. I won't ruin it by telling you though.

R (the magician) was handsome but he was also slightly weird looking as well. His look in my opinion complimented his personality and eccentricity well. His face at times looked younger than he truly was. His personality was what really made me think he was interesting though, he was naive, yet at times he spoke in a way that showed his years, he was usually at least a little crazy, yet had a knack at helping others when they wanted and needed it and he seemed to be able to tell the awful girls intentions when he meet her. He is a good judge of character it seemed. He was a great main character. 

I almost put it down in the beginning for a few reasons. First. The girl, Yun Ah-ee, was poor, so I understand her obsession with money, but her attitude at times with the magician (R) and others kinda upset me. Yes she was struggling but the way she acted at times made me really upset. However, as time went on her attitude did get not as annoying and by the end I had actually liked her.
The other issue I had in the beginning that I cared less about as time went on was the rich and supposedly handsome smart guy in her class named Na Il-Deung. I am a fan of good art and the artist was extremely good at drawing and drew the magician (R) very handsome and the girls all looked good too. So why did they make Na Il-Deung that was supposed to be handsome so weird looking with his long neck head... it looked just odd. I couldn't get past it really. Perhaps it says something about my own personality to not be okay with the weird looking handsome guy. But it really bothered me. Perhaps the long neck was symbolic in some way. However, I didn't understand it. Then as time went on they drew him to look normal. It seemed his long neck had to do with the form of his struggle but since I didn't understand how it could mean anything. I really wish they didn't do that. Though I loved the story. This bothered me but it was not anywhere near enough of a problem to make me feel like putting the book down.

Though there is a weird romance going on in this, it is hard to explain but it is definitely not the type of romance you see in other books. It is very unique. There is no adult scenes at all so that is nothing to worry about for younger readers in that type of way. The romance is somewhat unsatisfying in my opinion. However, it was still good. So If I could wave a magic wand and add something I wish there was more romance than there was. However, it was a very innocent romance and cute in its own way.

I have read hundreds of manga and manhwa. This is not a exaggeration. This Manhwa is unique in all ways. I have never read anything like it. It is hard to find a manhwa/manga or even a book for that matter that doesn't have something very similar in it to others. Annarasumanara is one of those truly unique ones with nothing to compare it to. I am sure all sorts of people will enjoy it if they give it a try. It has some good messages to take from it as well. I suggest it to everyone. Check it out.

Princess no Kakurega Opinion

Princess No Kakurega Harlequin Manga Opinion Review

(Royally Bedded, Regally Wedded)

This manga was created from a harlequin romance novel called Royally Bedded, Regally Wedded. The Manga goes by that name as well sometimes. I have not had the privilege of reading the novel as of yet but I have read the manga. I plan to read the novel too eventually and when I do I will comment on the novel and how I like it compared to the manga. 
Princess No Kakurega is short but falls into the category of one of my top 5 favorite Harlequin Manga. I think it is a great story. It actually deals with some interesting subjects like body image, and self esteem in positive ways and its all wrapped up neatly in a really good romance. Its not a shallow romance between the perfect barbie and the wonderful prince who falls in love at first sight. Many harlequin ones although geared toward adults have the fairy tail story outline with very little deviation. Though there is a prince like in most fairy tales and their is a happy ending it is very unique in many ways. I really enjoyed how down to earth the characters and story was.
One of my small issues was that Lizzy is supposed to be a bigger woman. Though she is bigger than her sister. She is not drawn big, actually though shapely her waste is pretty thin when she wears things that are tight. So though for the story's sake she is supposed to be bigger, I think they could have made her a bit larger but still pretty when she dressed up. I know it is a small point to harp on but since this manga had a lot on body image, I thought I would just point out something I thought about while I was reading it. I think it has a good lesson about body image and self esteem so that is a plus.
-----------------------------------------Spoiler Below--------------------------------------------

Also,  in the middle of the story, Enrico married Lizzy for Ben and to keep his word to her to not separate her and Ben. I think he thought of her as someone he respected as a good mom for Ben at that point and someone who he could relate with. Even when he came back he said something to this affect. He also said he realized how much he loved them both while holding Ben at the end of the story. However, I never actually heard him say in the manga that he loved her specifically, their relationship looked more comfortable and to me I liked how genuine it felt even without the words "I love you" repeated over and over. They looked like they at least cared deeply for each other. Personally I think it is nice to have a relationship where you can tell that someone loves and cares for you without having to repeat the words over and over to verify it. In the beginning the marriage sounded like a obligation marriage which he grew to fully accept over time and slowly starting turning into love.  In those last few pictures and what he said in the other ending pages they truly looked very happy and like the ideal long lasting family.
------------------------------End of Spoiler-----------------------------------------------------
This manga was very good. I have little I can complain about. I plan to read the book because I have a feeling it will go into the story deeper and actually be better than the manga in some ways. I suggest this manga to pretty much anyone who enjoys Josei Romance. Its a really good one. There is some adult suggestion in it and 2 pages with them in bed but nothing is really shown. I have seen many harlequin with more in depth sex scenes so I don't find it to be too much for people who try to avoid those scenes in manga. Its a quick read. Only 1 chapter and well worth it. Check it out.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Breaker New Waves Opinion Update

The Breaker New Waves Manhwa Opinion Quick Update

The Breaker New Waves Has gotten better in the past few chapters. We are now 115 chapters into The New Waves and only 1 chapter that had a piece of Chunwoo in it in the real time story. It's Sad. All other parts are just mentions of him or seeing video of him or Shioon remembering him. As I had previously stated I never liked Shioon to begin with much but he got better near to the end of The Breaker (part 1). Then when his ki center was broken he went back to bad. Finally now Shioon is starting to be the way I like him again. I know some people liked the way he was in the new waves before and probably adamantly disagree with me. However, this is just my opinion. I also disliked the Black Origin Threshold he did at the school and the whole situation of him against the SUC at the school was a dumb plan to begin with. To me The Black Origin Threshold looses it's thunder when it becomes the only possibility of fighting back. However, I do like the way he is now at the Island. He seems strong in his convictions like he has been throughout the whole story, but at least he's not just a punching bag like he was for the past 100 chapters of The New Waves. The previous 100 chapters he won by talking to the opponents, by people stepping in for him when he needed help, by taking a pill so he can almost win with a high cost to it, or going into the Black Origin Threshold because its the only card he has so he can win. He can finally back up his strong will again at least somewhat without loosing consciousness. 

I am finally beginning to feel like i cannot wait to see another chapter like i used to feel. Though I still like Goomoonryong better. It's too bad that I think they will eventually have to fight in the end. At least that is the way the story seems to be leading in my eyes and a lot of other people i talked to think so as well. I like the way The Breaker New Waves is now. However, I am pretty sure we are near the end of The New Waves and about to start part 3. 

I know I have said this previously, but I truly hope, sometime soon, The Breaker becomes available for sale in English. I want to be able to support the creators as do probably a lot of other american readers. I wonder if the Publishers have a reason why. The breaker is for sale in pretty much every other major language than English. There is rumors i have heard, that it was licensed in English but the company went out of business before ever putting one out. I also heard another rumor that it was because the publishers could not agree on a amount. I also heard somewhere it was something to do with currency conversion issues. I wish it would get fixed. I am sure I would buy at least all the volumes of The Breaker (Part 1). 

That's pretty much all I had to update. I will do another review when Part 3 of The Breaker is at least a few chapters in. I only did a second one of The New Waves because my original Opinion of The New Waves was bad so I thought I should tell anyone who is reading my reviews that it is getting better.

Zennou no Noa Opinion

Zennou no Noa Manga Opinion Review

Depending on where you find this manga it may be called Zennou no Noa, Zenno no Noa, or Noa the Almighty or something to that effect. It is a short but good manga I stumbled upon a few nights ago by accident while going through finished projects at some of my favorite scan sites. 

This manga's only major flaw is how short it is. Near the end it almost seems as though it could be a dropped manga. They ended it really fast without enough explanation and they could have really done so much more with it. However, it was still good despite this fact and worth checking out for those who have not tried it yet.

Noa is a really interesting character. In the beginning you really couldn't tell what type of guy he was. His personality sort of reminds me of Lelouch in Code Geass, but he's different too. He keeps you guessing that's for sure. 

I have many unanswered questions to this manga. I may write a fan fiction eventually just to satisfy myself. I couldn't find any fan fic surprisingly enough though.

Below here is a few things i wanted to say that are spoiler-ish so don't read the next paragraph if you don't want to:

I had some major questions about this manga that should have been included in the manga. For instance what happened after the missiles went off and the bright light at the end? he seemed to have regretted deploying them at that point but it was too late. Though he was able to make one that gave everyone their memories back before so i assume he could just do that. Also, how did he become the ruler before the story took place and he lost his memories? He said everyone inside that building would keep their memories intact. What happened between him and the police officer? What about the kids that were his brother and sister when he lost his memory. What happened to them after their memories were erased again? That's just the beginning of the unanswered questions. 

End of spoiler.

I think this is well worth people's time to read. it's short and interesting. It claims to be ecchi but i didn't see really much if any of that at all. I would say it is not inappropriate in that way for most people. Though perhaps i am wrong. Ill let you draw your own conclusions. This manga would be interesting to people who enjoy action and psychological genre's mostly. Though their claims to be romance there is actually very little. There is a little sexual harassment by a teacher but that's as questionable as it gets.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Queen's Knight Opinion

The Queen's Knight Manhwa Opinion Review

Well I had decided to review this one and it took me a long time to finish reading what i could and then learning about the ending. I had no real inspiration to finish it. I had thought the beginning seemed a bit like "From Far Away" a story in which I loved, in that it is a girl who came from a current time and fell into a different sort of world. The love interest was a guy with more power than most... that is where the similarity ends.
 I am actually at somewhat of a loss to find some reason to suggest this story to anyone at all. When she first got to Phantasma that is when I liked the story the most but it went downhill from there. It seemed at the beginning that it could have been good but they chose a bad way to turn.
Yuna was really annoying I couldn't really like any of the characters much other than Rieno and he was not all that great either. I don't really have much I can even get angry about about this story or worked up about because it was so blah....
I do not usually like reverse harem books so that was it's first strike. It is tame though which is not always a bad thing. There is nothing child inappropriate in it. In fact i could see see some pre-teen girls really getting into this story. This story is as young shoujo as you can get. It really is. So it was difficult for me to even decide to finish it in order to review. However, now that i am done i am sort of at a loss. It is a tragedy at the end. So if you actually like the book and Rieno and/or Yuna keep that in mind.
I really don't have much more to say about it. To me it was a let down. I think people who enjoy young shoujo romance with lots of young thinking people involved in middle school like drama's then i think you may enjoy this. However, I don't really think i can suggest it to anyone.
I wonder if maybe the reason why it was never picked up after tokyopop or scanned with frequency after it was dropped by tokyopop is because it just isn't all that great.