Monday, February 25, 2013

Champagne wa Koi no Biyaku Opinion

Champagne wa Koi no Biyaku Manga Opinion Review

This is a short Harlequin Manga based off a novel. It is one of my very favorite Romance manga. I tend to really like the Harlequin Manga with only a few exceptions. Josei, for the most part, spares me the high school love drama which I dislike the most. That type is usually prevalent in Shoujo Romance manga.

In this story the main girl got on my nerves a few times but over all Rebecca was not bad. She was strong in many ways but also vulnerable at times. The biggest issue I had with her was at the end, she decided to marry Grey after telling him no so many times. When she said she would she said something to the affect of, "you knew that if you bought the manor house I would marry you". So to me it sounds like, though she spends a great deal of time telling him she's not after money, in the end if she didn't get what she wanted she may have declined the marriage. I want to think that maybe it was one of those cases that it was difficult to translate what she said into English and the context came off a bit wrong. The reason is she is mostly decent until then about not wanting to marry for money. Other than that though, the only thing that made me a bit unhappy was how drastically she would change from utterly weak to strong to weak. I like women who are strong in traditional type ways. In the beginning she seemed to be weak.  After all she was holding on to a complete stranger all night in her apartment that she meet at her sister's wedding. However, then she seems to hold major strength as well with her strong opinions and attitude. Then later puts herself willingly in a situation where she needs help again. Even with those flaws, her character wasn't bad over all. Plus me being a woman I tend to be more opinionated than usual about women characters.

Grey was a interesting guy. Old fashioned in some ways and not in others. He had in my opinion just the right amount of pride in himself. He was not full of himself, but he was not insecure in any way. They may not have drawn him to be quite as handsome as the main men in some other manga but he had a down to earth almost normal real guy look to him. He was on the handsome end of normal. Which I actually found refreshing. Though his looks were good, His personality was what made him so great. They portrayed the character to be a wealthy man but not stuck up. Who had confidence but was not conceited. He was smart, not easily taken advantage of, but also a caretaker and old fashioned. Its too bad more real men out there are not like him. He seems to have the type of personality that was more common for wealthy handsome men a few decades ago.

This is a short and easy to read manga. Not too time consuming just like all harlequin manga. I suggest to read the novel as well as the manga. All the harlequin manga have novels they were based on and though many of the manga are not licensed in English the novels almost always are. Sometimes it is fun to compare the manga to the novels and see what you may have done differently in the manga if it was your choice.  It was a short manga and it was a good one so I really don't have much I can get extremely opinionated about. However, I do suggest that you read it. I think it is a good one and definitely worth the short time it takes to read and if you enjoy it you should buy the novel at least to show your support.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Koukyuu Days Opinion

Koukyuu Days Manga Opinion Review

Koukyuu Days is a manga that has the same creator as Sengoku Danshi Hana no Ran (a manga I reviewed earlier). I loved that manga so naturally I had to check this manga out. Though there are only 3 chapters scanned in English so far, I am really enjoying it. I had the feeling I would because I like the creator's other work. But at the same time. I am usually extremely anti-gender bender. There are very few circumstances in which I have ever enjoyed them and generally I steer clear of them. But this one became one of the exceptions to that rule for me. 

The art, just like in the other manga I read by her, is absolutely beautiful. It is rare to see such well drawn characters. Don't get me wrong many of the artists for manga and Manhwa that I read have beautiful art, but the people in this one are on another level than many of the others I read.

So far from what I can tell the main characters have very interesting personalities but because there is only 3 chapters that I have had the privilege of reading in English I cannot say who my favorites are cause I don't have enough information. I think the Emperor is pretty mysterious, cool, and interesting but that is to be expected.
Unfortunately I cannot write a long review on this one because there is not enough information to do so. Though I must say, as beginnings go. It did not disappoint. I suggest others who like romance to try it out. Even if you are like me and gender bender isn't usually your thing. I think you will enjoy this manga. I will update this opinion review when I have read more of it, so I can give a more informed opinion of it.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Another Kingdom Opinion

Another Kingdom Manga Opinion Review

This manga is a decent manga. I liked it. I wouldn't put it in the category of favorites or dislikes. It was short and while having a unique supernatural parts to it the type of romance was not personally my cup of tea.

This story is a example of a story in which I really like the guy characters but the girl character is more annoying than in most other manga. Not only is she naive  weak, easily targeted, and dumb, but willful as well which makes people have to protect her cause she refuses not to put her nose where it doesn't belong. Though to be honest, without her, one of the main characters would have been killed off in the first chapter. So at times her personality can be helpful too. The worst thing about her is she had these 2 guys doting on her for some reason (full grown men) and she wants to act like they can all stay one big happy family with innocent ties. The author actually let her play that role all the way though the manga and had the guys stick with her too. 

I like Yatoh in this story. He is the romantic interest of the main girl and the class chairman, though they spend little time in the actual classroom. I dislike school life manga so I am happy about that. I like his personality and the way he is drawn. He is a pretty unique character. I dislike that the girl had to make him seem like a lolicon but, other than that, he is the one I really liked the most in this story. He was smart and sarcastic at times, and anti-social but good looking and interesting. 

Bit of spoiler in next paragraph:
Akajita was a specter who likes the main girl. He is cute in his own way. Though I was sad at the end when he turned into a little fuzzball. I thought he was handsome, smart, funny, and he was pretty strong and capable too. He is also a interesting character. Though I liked the way he is drawn, many supernatural guys are drawn in a very similar way to him, so his looks are not too unique. 

Over all I would say this manga is interesting but it was not really great. I think it was made for a younger crowd. I am 29 and a bit old for the type of love in this book. They call it romance but they never even kiss... just hugs and the desire to protect. Though this is the case, I think anyone who likes romance manga could read it and find it to be at least decent and worth the short time it takes to finish it. So give it a shot if it sounds good to you. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Adabana Opinion

Adabana Manga Opinion Review

Adabana is one of the most awesome oneshots I have ever read. It really is too bad it has never been licensed in English  Though it probably has a bit too much gore and is probably a bit too poetic for Shouen Jumps taste in oneshots even though it is Shouen manga.

This is within my top 5 favorite oneshots. It is extremely well written and very interesting. It is about a swordsman who is never named who becomes the wielder of the Dark Flower, a cursed demonic sword. There is a young girl trying to save her small town from someone who claims to be the owner of the Dark Flower. That person killed her parents and was moving on to the new village she is living in now so she was trying to find help.

the manga left me really wishing to know the name of the swordsman, but he was just known as the swordsman who wielded the dark flower all the way through the story. He had a pretty unique personality which I enjoyed reading about. The thing I liked best about him though was his eyes. While he was acting as just a normal traveler, they seemed to be almost shut. You could not look into them. When he faced people in earnest about what he was or when he fought seriously he opened his eyes and you could see his cold "1000 yard stare" (a way to define battle P.T.S.D.).

Overall I would suggest this manga to anyone who is not really young. It is a good read and has good morals to it about revenge. It is too bad it was not longer but that is really the only qualm I have about it other than that I would have liked to know the name of the swordsman.

Home Opinion

Home Manga Opinion Review

This is a short 2 volume romance manga about a Spanish girl and a samurai falling in love as well as all the things that happen that drive them together and cause them drama. I think its a pretty good manga. It has its faults but over all its worth spending a little time reading. I originally got into this one cause I am obsessive with samurai stories. In particular ones that have a romance element to them. This one had both so I had to read it. However, though it was worth my time reading and enjoyable, it came up slightly short of my expectations. The the only big issue I had was that the author seemed to be rushing it. It had a lot more potential than what the story finished as. The author didn't follow through with some good set ups for plot thickening and events that could have been expanded on. Overall, it gives a person their fix of light romance though. So I suggest it to people who enjoy Historical Romance especially ones with samurai.

I like the way that the creator drew the characters in this manga. They are made with a ton of expression and attention to detail. The characters are very well developed and seem to come alive in the beginning especially Koujirou (the samurai), he is is drawn well and he wears his personality type on his face which is cool to see in drawings. He is the type of guy I like in mangas. The physically strong, defensive at first yet devoted type, with a strong will, but capable of being very loving and sweet. He is my favorite character in the manga by far.

I like Maria's character too, not really because of her personality too much but because of the way she is drawn. I also like all the different outfits they put her into throughout only 2 volumes. The Dress she wore in Japan with the Jewelry looked very beautiful on her. I truly liked the art of Maria. She was young and naive and a burden when people were trying to protect her, yet to be honest most of the female leads in Samurai manga get themselves into trouble like that so it wasn't like I wasn't expecting it.

Some people had qualms about how fast the main characters learned each other's languages. But I don't. They were determined to do so, also if you are stuck in another country without knowing the language you would be surprised how fast you pick up some words and common phrases. Especially with someone is helping you the best they are able. I don't think their learning the other's language quickly is a stretch. Also, The manga was not defining how long it was taking the person to do so. Maria learned on the boat from spain to mexico then mexico to Japan. She did not learn overnight. That voyage was not 1 day or 2 days long I am sure. Kojirou learned some spanish but he was healing at their house and it was not determined how long he was there being healed. So it is possible that it was months.

Over all this manga was good but short. Too short really for such a good subject. They could have done many other things that would have made the story better. However, I respect the work and especially liked the art of the characters. I would suggest this to people who enjoy the light romance Genre.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Breaker: New Waves Opinion

The Breaker: New Waves Manhwa Opinion Review

The Breaker: New Waves, is a continuation of The Breaker. The series is supposed to be 3 parts and part 2 is the part currently being released as a webtoon in Korea. Before I get into it here I must tell everyone that I am very opinionated about Part 2 of The Breaker. However, I want to remind people reading this who have not read any of The Breaker series before, that over all, regardless of this opinion review, this series as a whole is excellent. Although there are many parts to The Breaker New Waves that I think are really....not great. I got a better picture of The Murim because of this long winded part of the series. There was a lot of Character Development and new people were added that are probably very important to Part 3 which is still to come. So although I have many issues with The New Waves, I suggest taking into consideration that this is the middle story between the beginning and end, and they are making it this way so the part 3 can be awesome. At least that is what I hope.

To be honest when moving from The Breaker to The Breaker: New Waves, It was difficult for me to adjust to the pace of the sequel which is extremely slow in comparison. Though they added many more colorful characters, they really didn't show much action or do anything too spectacular.  Most of the main cast of The Breaker: New Waves are definitely not close to the level that I became accustom to in the first part of the series. The action slowed down to a snails pace at best with a few bones thrown here and there by the author but never living up to the action in the first part. In addition each action scene is really short. Most of the characters are not looking as exciting when they fight as the previous ones used to. The whole thing made me disappointed. However, that is just me, some people like The Breaker: New Waves even more than the first part of the Series.

For Me, If I want to read a Martial Arts Manhwa or Manga, I want it to be just as the genre implies, a story about martial arts. I like it to have a good plot as well. When I begin reading a story of any kind, a certain expectation is unconsciously established within me, based on the work that has been done so far. This happens for me with all books, Manga, Comics, and Manhwa. It is not intentional, but when something about the story drops below that initial expectation that I created, It becomes irritating to me. That is how The Breaker: New Waves feels to me. When The Breaker: New Waves started, I read the first 15 chapters and then quit for 1/2 a year. This is because I became totally uninterested. However, I knew that there would be another book after that one, so after a long break, I came back and struggled through the chapters I had missed reading and then kept up with it as it slowly progressed into something that I actually could rationalize reading each week. 

Spoiler Opinions below:
There are many people out there who like the fact that Shioon is the way he is now. They enjoy the fact that the only way he can fight is by becoming irrational after a major loss or potential loss and goes into the Black Heaven and Earth secret technique(black origin threshold) . Personally, I never really liked Shioon to begin with as I had said in my previous review. He was just annoying in so many different ways, at first he seemed to be irredeemable to me because of how he was in the beginning of the first breaker, but slowly as that story progressed I warmed up to him. When he lost his martial arts, I lost complete interest in him. The black heaven and earth secret technique by itself is dumb. It in my opinion the black origin threshold is meant as a last defense after all other options are exhausted. However, Shioon has no other options and no other tools in his arsenal anymore. All he can do is talk big and rely on others. Just a big fat looser. The Black Heaven and Earth technique, Black Origin Threshold. is awesome when used as a last resort after a martial artist has fought and must win for something he believes in or someone he cares about. Shioon, is too ignorant to realize that he is powerless. Runs to school with his Ki center only 1/2 fixed and then gets overwhelmed by the bad guys when he was the one who baited them to begin with then gets upset at casualties. I hope that he at least blames himself for them because it was his own stupidity that made everyone protect him at school and his own stupidity that put everyone else in danger.

The Black Origin Threshold is without technique it is not even truly martial arts according to most standards, it is just venting anger, frustration, despair  and pain. It seems to be a uncontrollable technique to anyone who is given it's power. Shioon Controlled it partially when he slammed his head into something when he used it the first time. Some speculate that he didn't fully use it. But I am unsure. However, the second time he uses it which is right now in the story, he is completely overcome by the black origin threshold just as his master was and his master's master. So although he is supposed to be special in some way, it looks as though he cannot master it either... at least from the looks of it this time. Of course since he is the main character he will have to master it or do something about it eventually. Guess we will look on in anticipation of that. 

The breaker: New Waves, only flashes to what Chun-Woo (nine arts dragon) is doing 1 or 2 times. He has become a character that is only spoken of on a regular basis but almost never seen. I always loved Chun-Woo, ever sense the beginning of The Breaker series and they are neglecting his side of the story completely. They make it seem like he is doing nothing pretty much the whole time they are apart except destroying and killing randomly. I am sure there is more to it than that, however, we are not seeing it. All we do see of him is his destruction and a talk between him and his boss. 

The Black Forest Defense Group isn't known any better than they were in the end of The Breaker. The only new things we know are the name Kaiser, who is the leader and a few flashes of meetings where we don't see the bosses face or what they are truly involved in other than something to do with So-Sul's new power. Other people in the Manhwa said previously that they are trying to integrate Murim people into the regular world so it is not separate. However, no new information about that is given. So if you were hoping for a quick recovery of Shioon in The Breaker: New Waves, any development between Shioon and his master, or to know anything about the true antagonist of the series, Then you will be let down. It is non existent so far in the total 104 chapters that are out.
Spoiler End

I know it is not easy to draw this webtoon every week and the person who has done both The Breaker and The Breaker: New Waves is extremely talented. The new main characters are drawn even more detailed and unique. Their personality is reflected in the drawings very creatively.  Their facial expressions are never dull and are full of life. In The Breaker, the action drawings were some of the best I had ever seen. The few action drawings they have in The Breaker: New Waves are not on the same level. I wonder if the artist got bored with the story, if he was just busy, if he was hurrying more for some reason, or if he has just evolved his way of drawing and it came out to be something like it is now. For whatever the reason, the excitement of the fight scene drawings in The Breaker: New Waves, is not as powerful as the ones in The Breaker. However, to the artists credit. It would be extremely difficult to continue to produce such outstanding fight scene art. The art that is created now for the fight scenes is NOT bad, in fact, it is extremely good. It just that, as I said above, my expectations became high because of the The Breaker which made me harsh on the art of The Breaker: New Waves. Over all The Breaker: New Waves had art that got better in certain ways and didn't live up to my extremely high expectations in others. 

I know this may be different to other people. However to me, I just cannot understand why the author chose to write Shioon as a chick magnet in The Breaker: New Waves. We know from the first breaker that he has a good personality, near to the end, that makes girls find him cute. However, as it stands now, the story has somehow became more about his harem of women who want to protect him... its annoying. SaHee was there from the beginning so it goes to reason that she would be in the story here and there. Though she has nothing to do with it beyond the fact that she helped him indirectly make the decision to get stronger. She is a normal person and he should have distanced himself from her in the beginning to make sure she was not hurt on account of him. That is, if he had a single brain-cell in his head. So-Sul is is the reason he became entwined with the Sun-woo clan to begin with, so it goes to reason that she would become part of his story as well. Though she has no major part yet in The New Waves, we can expect that she will join the ranks of the women vying for his attention to come. Jinni is his bodyguard from the SunWoo, clan who falls for him as she is guarding him. She is a important clan elder's granddaughter and she has spent the most time with Shioon out of all the girls in the New Waves. Then there is a woman named Sera, who wanted to kill him originally and then decides she likes him, she is very smart and usually very cold, but has proven that she is willing to die for him. If he keeps attracting women like this, by the end of New Waves he'll have an entourage of 10 to 15 girls that all want to be with him. And So what? How does this help the story in any way? If you add too many girls to be in love by our main character then the story becomes less about martial arts and less about romance and more about the drama of these women. Why don't we start having some cat fights over Shioon and make the girls all have drama with each other. Then we could make it into a shoujo manhwa and sell it to teenybopper girls. If you can't tell, I am being sarcastic there. To be fair, I am going over the top quite a bit, in saying that it could be changed to the genre of Shoujo Manhwa and fit. However, up until about chapter 100, it has been going further in that direction than I ever expected a manhwa originally written for a guy audience to go. However, recently we have started getting back into at least some form of action.

Alright, finally we make it to the last big problem I have, and it may be one of the biggest problems I have with the New Waves all together. My problem is about the S.U.C. (Soldiers Under Command). They may be called S.U.C. but I just refer to them as suc because they suck. There is very little I can say about the suc that makes them worth being the antagonist of The Breaker: New Waves, perhaps the reason the 2nd story sucks so bad is because of the suc. Although they have tons of connections throughout normal society that have jobs that help them track down their target. They only have 6 or 7 people who are worth talking about and they are the commanders, the rest of them are only retards. Most of the regular members of the suc use medicine to be able to practice a little crappy martial arts because they are normal people. For being able to do martial arts the medicine will eventually kill them. A few of the Suc Commanders belong in a mental institution. The others are following Goomoonryong's words from a website and from what they have heard he has said previously. They hope that they will catch his attention and he will make them true apprentices. They are a pathetic lot and some of them, I truly feel sorry for. Cool Guy is the only good one of the bunch so far and he was left out a lot recently because he lost against Shioon 2 times. The second time they fought, Cool guy gave Shioon his word that he would let the group go if Shioon won a match between them. The head of SUC thought he should have been dishonorable and sent in all the other guys while Shioon was hurt from the match to finish him off even though Cool guy gave his word. Cool Guy refused to do that, and because of that, was not included in many of the plans afterwards. The Suc has very little power in reality. They only attempt to win through cowardly tactics. They have no Honor. When I read manga and manhwa I like the bad guy to at least have some honor or at least a certain line they won't cross. The Suc has no such line. If they could use of a missile that would kill most people in the city including their target they would use it. They have no shame.

There is so much wrong with the second part that if I continued and wrote everything that was bad about it you would be reading this Opinion review for a week! It's already getting pretty lengthy so I will bring this opinion piece to a close. Over all The Breaker: New Waves is not as good as I had hoped, so far, though it is not finished yet. If I had not become so in love with the original The Breaker story, and knew that The New Waves was only the 2nd part of a 3 part series, I would have put it down for good a long time ago. Now, with that being said, with the previous story included and the potentials for the next story, it is definitely worth your time to read. Also, although I do not like it as much, as I have said before, there are some people who really love The New Waves. If you want to enjoy it, I suggest, that you go into The New Waves without any expectations based on The Breaker. Even though it is not as good as expected there are some good parts to it. Over all, though I say all this, I do still suggest you read this Manhwa because it helps you get insight into the Murim and introduces you to important characters that will most likely appear in the 3rd part of the story. So read it and check it out for yourself.!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sengoku Danshi Hana no Ran Opinion

Sengoku Danshi Hana no Ran Manga Opinion

Sengoku Danshi Hana no Ran is a great historical romance. This manga is a bit more should than what I have really been into lately. However, that didn't deter me at all from truly enjoying all that I have had the privilege of reading so far. 

I love Ran in this story. He is a samurai that came from the past to the future through a portal created by Hana's grandfather along with his brothers and Nobunaga. Though all of them are colorful characters. He is not only drawn to look really good but he has a interesting personality and philosophy on life. It is fun for me to see how his philosophies and life changes while living with Hana and her family. 

Nobunaga is a interesting character too in this manga. I went into the manga with some idea about who Nobunaga was and some preconceptions based on other manga's I had read. All of my preconceptions were completely off base for the Nobunaga in this manga. Yet it is supposed to be the same man. This man surprisingly is curious and adapts to the switching of the era's extremely well as opposed to Ran. He still has a commanding presence but the rest of what I thought Nobunaga would be like was wrong.

I don't really dislike anything about this manga yet. However, there is a few things that slightly bother me. Just to be clear this is a borderline spoiler on a couple small things in the early part of the manga. If you don't want to hear it skip to the next paragraph after the one below this.

The only real issue I have with this manga is that Hana seems to still have major feelings for her previous boyfriend who screwed her over. I understand that it is common with people who have low self esteem. I have been in similar situations where I was still in love with someone who hurt me deeply. But understanding and liking it are two different matters. I cannot stand when a good man is right next to her giving her all this emotional support and then she can't control her feelings toward her previous boyfriend who really was self centered. He may have liked her, but he betrayed her and is so full of himself at times, I just don't understand why she would feel anything for him after he screwed her and her family over. That is my biggest issue. My second issue is a problem I have about Hana's trauma  This is kinda a nit picky issue and doesn't really matter to me like that. I have read 16 chapters and we are still in the dark about everything beyond her trauma made her frightened of men, quit perusing her dreams, and wearing baggy clothes and glasses. Her ordeal must have been really severe. Though in my mind, I cannot understand why the creator finds it is essential to keep what happened a secret for this long. I can understand for plot development not showing the bad man yet. But I just don't understand why the trauma that made her act like that needs to be kept secret. 

Over all this manga is a excellent read. I would suggest it to pretty much anyone who enjoys historical romance. The creator drew the characters very well and made some of their personalities very unique. This manga creator actually has 2 manga that I am currently following. This manga is 3 volumes and completed in Japan the newest manga she is currently working on is the one I am reading along side this one. I find her work to be extremely interesting. Sengoku Danshi Hana no Ran is not licensed in English yet. But I hope that it becomes one of the ones that gets picked up.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Blood Lad Opinion

Blood Lad Manga Opinion

This manga is a pretty neat manga. It is super funny in the beginning and I am not usually a comedy buff.  They make references to many different other manga, which I didn't think would be allowed like Dragon Ball Z and Naruto to just name a couple of the biggest ones. As you read through the chapters though it really becomes more than just comedy. The story has a good plot and great characters. What I originally thought was just going to be a surface level comedy about a vampire became much more. The characters have a lot of depth to them. This comic was definitely surprising to me in that way.

My favorite character is Staz. He is a funny, lazy, sweet, and strong, vampire weirdo. He has a messed up personality and sense of style but he is really cool in a weird way. He has a messed up history too that they will dive into more as the story goes on. He is definitely one of the most colorful characters I have ever read about. I don't want to spoil anything in this but he is defiantly a excellent main character to this story.

I really have to nit pick to tell you about the couple things that I sort of disliked about the manga so far. Over all I really like everything. However there are a couple things that annoy me just a little. First of all, Fumi's bones... I know it's a comedy but did they really have to make her skull look like a circle. It looked like It was just a shortcut in the drawing. However, it didn't bother me that much at all. It is just a little thing I was being picky about. The only other thing that irks me is Fumi yes I understand it is a comedy, but did they really have to make the girl a stereotypical bimbo. It bothers me when they make big boobs = small brains. Why can't they for once make the big boob girl only half stupid but her idiocy works out well with how Staz is in the beginning. If she was too smart the story wouldn't have developed which is why I don't really mind.

I suggest people check this manga out. It is definitely worth the read. There is a talk of an anime being made some time this year in 2013. This is the type of manga that I am not skeptical that the anime could be done in a good way. So that will most likely be good as well. Ill add to this when I get a chance to read more of the manga and watch some of the anime. As it stands now though I would say this manga is definitely worth checking out.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Diamond Life Opinion

Diamond Life Manga Opinion

Diamond life is a truly unique manga in that it actually educates at the same time as it entertains the readers. Some of it's subject matter is extremely hard to tie into a story that isn't wholly depressing. Yet somehow this author has managed just that in such extreme subjects as poverty, gambling, struggling, HIV/AIDS, and many other heavy topics. Surprisingly so far there has been no misinformation and in fact enlightens it's readers in these subjects and there is still one volume to go before I finish reading it.

My favorite Character in this manga is probably Haruki, he is the co-owner of a huge business, and has some personality deficiencies at the beginning but he is definitely a extremely interesting character. That I bet most of you will find unique and pretty interesting in so many ways.

I don't really have anything about this manga so far out of the 2 volumes I have read that I can say I dislike about it. There are some things that are sad and after getting to know the characters I wish was not a burden they had to bear, but living with their burdens and still being positive and continuing to live happily is what I liked most about this story.

I suggest everyone should read this manga. It is not only enlightening but a good read and definitely a good story to try. I find it hard to write a opinion without spoiling more for this manga. So I cannot make this long. I can only say that you should defiantly try it out. It is well worth for free time to read. I truly hope this one gets a publisher in English because I love the story and want to help support such a excellent author.