Saturday, March 30, 2013

Crepuscule Opinion

Crepuscule Manhwa Opinion Review


When I first started to read Crepuscule it was just being started up for the second time. At the time I had been on a supernatural romance kick and was looking for different manga by deciding to try just plain supernatural  genre without romance. So I gave Crepuscule a go. I really got into it in the beginning however, I slowly fizzled out over time. I still catch up on it every so often, because I do like the story, its just not one of my favorites anymore.

First I will start with some of my issues I have with this story. Though sometimes there are beautiful backgrounds. Many times in the story there are pages with no background around the character. I am not a artist or a author. I know it takes a considerable amount of time to finish the drawings and I also know that there are deadlines, but, I feel kinda sad that there are beautiful backgrounds some of the time but others there are none for no reason. That is one of my biggest qualms for this series. 

The Webtoon has a pretty interesting concept  I thought the idea that the supernatural creatures created a different dimension in which they could live separately without humans was pretty cool. The types of creatures and their backgrounds were interesting. Curses, special abilities and stories of each of the main characters were also good.

One of my small issues I had was that Lark, the human boy with red eyes like a vampire was brought to the other dimension by Setz who was a young boy and wanted to help him cause he was bullied by others and hurt by his family for having red eyes. A short while after coming Setz goes back to his dad and they are no longer friends. That close relationship they seemed to have disappeared and even when they met as teens neither seemed particularly close. Lark pretended he didn't care which is kinda like something a girl would do not a boy. The type of feeling I got in the beginning was that they were going to be good friends but then for about 50 chapters it seemed like Setz didn't even remember and that he must have just helped him on a whim even though he seemed more genuine earlier. It was annoying to me.

I think they have some interesting mysteries in the story that will unfold soon. Though Lark appears to be human. I get the feeling that he is not really all he appears to be.  So I look forward to reading more about him and all the rest of the characters.

Over all this webtoon is a good one. I think any age can enjoy it but mostly younger teens. It is not the usual type I enjoy but I still read it and catch up from time to time and I am glad I checked it out. I don't think anyone would find it offensive or to have anything not suitable for certain people. At least as of now in the story. I suggest it to anyone who enjoys the supernatural genre.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Masca Opinion

Masca Manhwa Opinion Review


When I first wrote this review I was seithing with irritation over one of the characters. I ended up writing quickly and my review suffered from the amount of anger I was feeling. Looking back it was damn near unreadable and since I feel no desire what so ever to ever open up this shitty story again I will just go ahead and say what I said in summary in an easier to read way (When I get really upset about something I type quickly I forget words and don't explain myself well and the review I had posted before was what I ended up with. Now for Coherance sake I'll rewrite my opinion (From what I remember it's been a few years but you couldn't pay me to read this thing again)

Whats good about this story: 

The Character art was exceptional. It's really too bad given how horrible the majority of the characters actually are.

The Demon Lord (Kainen) is for the most part decent though he has his moments of stupidity after all he likes a character that is so horrible that it makes me question if the only reason he liked her was because she would be his potential doom.

The setting of the story is pretty unique and interesting too bad the characters and the story couldn't have built something good from such a good starting point.

Whats bad about the story:

Almost everything with the exception of the 3 things pointed out above. The worst of it is Asarella and Eliwho.

In my original review I couldn't get over how absolutely Horrible Asarella was and to be honest I still cannot, I have not met a character equally bad yet and I have read over 400 titles of romance manga, No words can describe how ridiculous and stupid she is. Still I downplayed how absolutely horrible Eliwho is because I was so irate with her character. Truth be told, they are equally crappy and deserve one another to wallow in their own indecisive, crappy, horribleness together until they die. I just feel sorry for the Kainen. I know there are some people who disagree. That's fine. But if you have not read this manhwa yet be warned that unless you like indecisive whining bitches who never know what they really want and play innocent as they ruin lives around them you probably won't like her. Don't let the first few volumes fool you. This title goes downhill fast! Eliwho's horribleness is more widely accepted. Honestly, it's too bad they went that route with his character cause as a father figure that didn't cross that barrier I would have liked him a lot more.

I must reiterate some people will read this manhwa and truly enjoy the story. I know some people do or else they wouldn't be making a prequel and sequel. They would not have gotten it licensed in English if it was not a big seller. Even if the English company went out of business after the first copy and it was never picked up by any other company. I can only speculate but I think some of my blog readers may enjoy this manhwa. My biggest advice is don't let the first few volumes fool you. This manhwa changes a lot. So instead of saying who this title would be good for (since I don't really think it's good at all) I'll tell you who this manhwa would not work for:
- If you dislike Love Triangles this is not a book you should pick up.
- If you dislike cold ignorant yet act as if it is naivety leading women who want their cake and eat it too or don't know what they want so they just hurt everyone, then this story is not for you.
- If you want a story that doesn't portray a demon lord as the only redeemable character, this story is not for you.
Otherwise, if you are not one of these types you may enjoy reading the story cause it is beautifully illustrated, unique and well written. It is not for anyone below young teen since there is a lot of sexual scenes and eye candy (it's in a tasteful way usually though).

As far as the sequel or prequel goes. I have no real interest in trying these. Especially the sequel. However, there is a group scanning them, so if you enjoy this story you may want to check it out.

Kuroorihime to Kawaki no ou Opinion

Kuroorihime to Kawaki no ou Manga Opinion Review


This oneshot was tied as my favorite manga oneshot along with Adabana. It is really well written. Although it is only a oneshot the story doesn't seem forced to finish early. It doesn't feel like there are holes in the story to make up for lack of room. They could have made it longer and I would have loved that. However, it did a excellent job of making you feel for the characters and their situations. 

I liked the main girl in the oneshot named Setia. Setia was a strong girl. Her strength wasn't annoying either.She was playfully awful to the king who had captured her and killed her village people. She also had a good sense of responsibility which made her more likable to  me. If she had just given up on her fiance and fell for the king, I would have really disliked her, it happens all too often in romance manga. The woman, all to often, forgets her prior promises and commitments and falls in love without a second thought. She doesn't even think about it until after she does something that cannot be undone. This is the type of lead women I dislike. However, Setia is nothing like that. She also is nice to the king when he acts decent. She tries to be understanding of him while at the same time keeping true to her own boundaries. This I cannot respect more.

King Azurite was a great character too. King Azurite is the type of strong and cold man I enjoy reading about in the lead of romance. He is a awful man to many but he originally finds Setia to be interesting it seems and the feelings develop from there. He seems extremely emotionally guarded and with good reason too, since according to him people have tried to kill him since he was small. He was handsome but had some quirks. He looked good at night when he was poisoned and when he was fighting. I really kinda wish we could find out more about his past and also about what happens after the end of the story. However, regardless his character was interesting.

This oneshot was created by a mangaka that I have read some other interesting stories from. However, this is a older oneshot of her work. It is my favorite of the ones that I have read so far of hers. If you like this one though you may like some of her longer works as well. The characters are drawn well and the stories are always in depth and interesting. 

Overall this oneshot was a great one and well worth anyone's time reading. Though there is a bit of possibility of adult situations that were insinuated may occur there is no really adult parts to it in the end so it is fine for preteens and up. It's a very good read. One in which I wish there was more back story and story going forward but that was good enough to make me love it just as it was. I suggest anyone who would enjoy a short but good romance story to check it out.

Friday, March 22, 2013

From Far Away Opinion

From Far Away (Kanata Kara) Manga Opinion Review

From far away is a really great manga. My opinion of it is extremely high for a shoujo. Apparently its one many people think highly of as well since it has won awards. It's a romance. However, unlike most romances, the action and adventure do not get a back seat to the romance. Though the main characters become extremely close there is no smutty scenes. The romance is about on par with Samurai Deeper Kyo just a bit more clingy and sweet.

The art is pretty good. Izark is drawn great but Noriko, looks not even 1/2 as good most times. I think it may have been the desire of the mangaka to make her looks average for a young teen, but they made her look weird sometimes. I personally think they could have done a bit of a better job with her. The biggest issue I had was when she closed her eyes. I dislike the way they drew that. However, I have seen manga drawings like this before and they are by far not the worst I have seen. It doesn't make me want to put down he book or anything. I am just saying my own gripes. Izark is extremely handsome and you could tell, even as he changes into the sky demon form, the author spent a lot of time making him. There were many ugly people in this book. Like they were drawn to be that way. There were pretty girls as well. However the extremely pretty ones were on the bad side and had horrible personalities. I wonder if that is the mangaka's take on pretty girls.

The story line was excellent. That is the best thing about this manga. It was a extremely well thought out and creative world too. The different creatures and plants in this manga were all very interesting. The mangaka even made a map of what the world the Awakening came to looked like. Some the world of this manga kinda reminded me of a series of american books I liked as a teen. Not the story line but the way the world was and the creatures. They were about a place called Pern. The author was Anne McCaffrey. In that same way, because the world that they were in was so well thought out, it was my hope the mangaka would perhaps do other stories of adventures of these and other connecting characters. It's too bad. I think it would work well. But it doesn't look like that will be the case.

I really developed feelings for the bad guy near the end. Lord Rachef, It was too bad that he did not live. He was empty. He had a horrible childhood. He became evil through that. Though Izark didn't have a rosy childhood either and hated people in the beginning because of it, he was different cause he didn't want to cause pain. Peoples trauma manifests in different ways. Rachef didn't want to kill Noriko though, I think he hoped for a relationship like what Izark had. A relationship where he felt fulfilled and truly cared for, not because of ambition or because of something else. I think he had potential to change his ways. However, there was no side character that was perfect for him. Tazasheena was evil and ambitious and full of herself. He didn't like her. He was also those things, but she was perfectly fine with being the way she was she was not looking to change at all or be fulfilled by anything other than her own evil ambition. I know Izark and Noriko felt for him too in the end. That is why they did what they did. However, it's still too bad.

Overall I really enjoyed this one. It was long but not extremely long and it never made me want to quit 1/2 way though it. There were a few things I didn't exactly love but there was nothing about the story that I took a strong dislike to. I thought it was excellently written and the award the manga received was well deserved. If you have not read this manga. You should give it a try. The romance is light and the action and adventure is really great. This manga is good for all ages.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Abide in The Wind Opinion

Abide in the Wind Manhwa Opinion Review


Abide in the wind is a spectacular fantasy/romance manhwa. I have only been able to read 8 chapters in English but I have looked at all of the webtoon available on naver in Korean. There is 65 in all so far, and I cannot wait to be able to read more in English so I can read what is actually being said. 

The art in Abide in the wind is the best I have ever seen in a manhwa or manga. I love the way the characters are made, the scenery, and backgrounds. They are done if full color with intricate detail. If you love good art then you should check this one out. It will not disappoint you I promise.

It is not just the art though. The story is really great so far. The creator is obviously multi talented. It's truly awesome to be able to do such a good story and exceptional art as well. I am not sure if I will dislike anything about the story in the future, but so far I have absolutely nothing bad to say about this manga. 

I like both the Reana and Lord Kairak, but my favorite character is the obvious one, Lord Kairak. Lord Kairak is the last dragon on earth. He seems to have 3 different forms, though the one inside that pond where it seems like it's a different dimension is my favorite form (at least I think that is Lord Kairak). He doesn't really know or understand much about the human world. It seems also he starts to get extremely touchy as time goes on when anyone even touches Reana. Which is cute in its own way because he knows nothing about humans or his own feelings it seems. Though in some part it seems like he is not necessarily into her but into the dragon pearl that was placed inside her to purify it and keep it safe. At least initially I think that played a role in it. Though I don't know that for sure either. That's speculation based on what I have been able to understand without the text in later chapters, from just the pictures alone. Though I have a favorite character all the characters are drawn really beautifully and creatively. 

I also like that this is not just the run of the mill love story. It has some interesting and great fights between power users which seem to be trying to either kill Lord Kairak or take the Dragon Pearl from him and Reana. The powers and items are uniquely and beautifully drawn. It also seems like it is not one of those stories that focuses so much on the love that everything else is background noise. The love is pretty innocent so far which makes it a  good story for all ages except extremely young kids cause some of the bad guys could be considered scary. The fact that the love builds innocently goes along with the characters personalities well and doesn't take away from the story or make it seem like its being prolonged. 

In short The drawings are incredible the story is great and the characters are interesting. I suggest this one to all people. I think it is a real hidden treasure. It may not be very known by English speakers yet, but I think it has great potential. The only problem is the English scans are rarely released. However, I have been told by the group that is scanning it that they will be continuing to release it. So check it out.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Akuma na Eros Opinion

Akuma na Eros Manga Opinion Review

First I will eliminate everyone who it will serve no purpose to read any further to get to know about it. This manga is smut, I have read very few that are this smutty. So if you don't want to hear about sex or see sex. This manga is Definitely not for you. In fact, I would say this mangaka's works are not for you in general. The other thing I feel the need to tell you is this is a love story between the devil, a angel, and a virgin... so if your uptight about Christianity and cant take this as just entertainment that is not reality and read it like that. This is not for you. 

Akuma na Eros (Virgin Crisis) Is a manga that I really enjoyed a lot when I first read it. That was 5 years ago. However, I read it again right before I made this review and I didn't feel it was as good as I initially felt it was when I read it years ago. I realized one of the biggest reasons why it wasn't as good now is because this Manga is made more for older teens and extremely young adults. So when I read it now, at almost 30 years old. I didn't find it as amusing. I can only write from my point of view now, however, if you are in your young 20's or old teens I think you will enjoy it more than I do now.

The main girl, Miu is young and annoyingly naive. She got on my nerves especially in the beginning even when I was younger. However, her stupidity is required for the story to progress as it does in the beginning. So I guess it works. To be honest though, she is very much like a 15 year old. I did a lot of dumb things when I was 15 too. I think I was younger than 15 but when we were at sleepovers me and my friends would ask ouiji boards if the guy we liked liked us. I never believed in the stuff... my mom is a strict christian so I never owned a ouiji board but I had friends who had them. So I can believe that she prayed to have someone like her and look more adult like and try to use magic. However, even though she is very much like a young teen, that doesn't mean that I like that kind of character.

I actually liked Kai (Akuma/Satan). The way the author drew him and the way he was, he obviously was a dark guy, however, it's always a young girls fantasy to have the bad boy love them and be gentile to them. Kai was the ruler of hell and a bad man, as bad as a fantasy guy could get really, but he loved Miu and protected her. I liked the way they drew him. I also enjoyed some of the love scenes. 

Michael (the angel) was the popular guy who was good at everything and had a flock of people following him around. He loved miu too... I liked him too for the most part, though his character could have been more in depth. I liked his angel form better than his form on earth. The long hair suited him. I also enjoyed the couple fights between him and kai both on earth and in heaven. 

The people who did the scans no longer are doing scans so the only place you can read it in English is a online reader. I am grateful for the scans, so don't get me wrong about that, but the quality of the scans translations was bad. Not the worst I have ever seen but pretty bad. So if you read it, be prepared.

The story over all was good when I was younger I liked it a lot. Now I find it to be more mediocre but it's still good. The art is good. The idea is interesting, and I still like Kai. I just didn't feel as fulfilled by the story line. This author has other stories that are better. However, since this was the first one I read and became interested in the author's other works because of this one, I thought I should review it. So over all, I think it is worth people's time to check out. I would say it is mostly a girl's manga and one made for older teens and younger adults but it is still good if you do not fall into that age group and are looking for a fantasy romance with some smut.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Trump Opinion

Trump Manhwa Opinion Review

Trump is a pretty good manhwa. It is on it's 4th chapter this time around. It has been discontinued and started over 2 other times before this one... the one going now is supposed to be the official trump.

 From what I read so far of this one, I actually liked the first 15 chapters I got the chance to read of Trump ver.1 better than I like this new one. I read that Trump ver.1 had a little more than 30 chapters released but was discontinued. The fighting between the gods looked really cool in the previous trump which I hope they eventually do again in this one. The story this time seems to be going slow compared to the previous version. When I had read only 4 chapters of Trump vol.1 I was hooked, this time it is a bit different. Perhaps it will go in another direction entirely with the story. However I suspect, though it is a slow starter, this one may end up being really good in the long run. I don't dislike the new version, its just that I liked what I read of the previous version more.

Since the new version of Trump is still in it's infancy, I cannot give much more of a opinion. The only thing I can do is offer a more full opinion after more of the story comes out. Even though the new version of Trump is not as good so far, it still has a ton of growing room and I think it's very possible that it may turn out at least as good as the previous one in the long run. I suggest Trump to pretty much anyone. It is one of those rare stories that would be a good read to both children and adults. Of course that is something that parents will have to decide for themselves on a individual basis. It is not my favorite manhwa at this time or one I suggest more than the others I have blogged about so far, but if you are looking for something new to read and it sounds interesting to you, you should give it a try. I suggest that you try out the first version too, since it was pretty good.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Wife in Time Opinion

A Wife in Time Harlequin Manga Opinion Review

(Akai Houseki no Himitsu) 

This is a harlequin and one of my very favorite Harlequins too. It's a short one. Only about 125 pages from start to finish. Also unlike many harlequins other than the harlequin pink series which is for the younger crowd. It has no sex in it so it is not a bad one for young teen girls to read. 
If I am being honest. I tend to be pretty hard on women characters. I am not sure why. I think it might have something to do with the fact that they are representing our gender. However, in this one the girl did not annoy me in any way. She was strong, but in a womanly way. She was smart, had good intuition, and wasn't super dramatic or needy like many other women in manga. She was real down to earth. So she is my favorite character in this manga. 
As with all harlequin it is based on a novel. Since it was one of my favorites of all the harlequin manga I will probably check out the novel too. However, I have not gotten a chance to buy it yet. I will also add a bit about the novel here when I get the chance to buy and read all of it.
The guy was kinda more straight laced than the type of guy that I enjoy reading about. However, he wasn't bad and he became more interesting to me as time went on throughout the story. He was a bit annoying at the very beginning when he was accusing her, but i understand that it was needed for the plot to work so it is forgivable.
Over all I enjoyed the story. I thought the characters were pretty realistic. The story was unique and the art was pretty good for a harlequin. Some harlequin manga have horrible art. But this artist did a good job. I don't really have a ton to say. Though the manga was short. Its shortness did not affect how good the story was in any way. I suggest it to anyone who enjoys harlequins as well as anyone who likes romance genre in general. Check it out.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Gwi Opinion

Gwi Manhwa Opinion Review

Gwi is a good Manhwa. I read it many months ago and then read it again right before this review. If you enjoy martial arts/ sword fighting comics. This one is a great one for you. This story is not a romance either so if you don't want to read romance. This is one of the ones you may like. It does however have a lot of violence and it does have mature content. So It is probably not a good one for kids, however that is the parents call and not mine. Gwi is just the right length for the story too. It is not long and drawn out. It stays exciting. 

The story has quite a few interesting characters in it. The story twists near the end in ways that I wasn't expecting. I won't spoil it for you but I always enjoy stories that are not so straight forward. Gwi is definitely  one of those. There were a few major plot surprises. I especially thought the reasons behind the main antagonists were not as expected. The other thing I didn't really know is how many games and stories there are that in some part mention the Murim. I didn't do my homework and assumed that Murim was something that they called the martial arts world only in the Breaker. Now that I looked a little into it. I found that it is not only used in Gwi and The Breaker but in other stories and games as well. In all the ones I ran into it is used to describe a martial arts world but when I looked it up I couldn't find any reliable definition that wasn't tied to a manga. One other interesting little tid bit. Everyone in this story was looking for this guy Chiwoo who looks a lot like Mu-Sang. After I put the Murim stuff together with the Breaker and Gwi, I already had the Breaker on my mind. I just thought it was odd that this illusive and strongest guy in Gwi that people thought was dead was named Chiwoo, and how close that sounds to Chunwoo, The illusive and strongest in The Breaker that many people in the alliance thought was dead. The stories are during different times in the world and are different in many other ways too. However, I just thought it was interesting that it had some similarities.

Mu-Sang is the main protagonist in this story and he is a really interesting guy. I like the way he is drawn. Not only is he handsome (yes many of the manga / manhwa I review have handsome guys in it, and no that is not why I pick them out to, He has interesting hair. I like how his hair is drawn wild. I think its cool and different. In real life it would look really odd with it... but in here it looks cool. The guy is really unique looking.  Mu-Sang is strong and a loner. He is not extremely bright, but he is not stupid either. He is the silent type usually. He really is a interesting character I am sure others will think so too. I was a bit sad that Mu-Sang in the end didn't end up with Yeo-San-Hwa (the lead girl) but then again. I knew it wasn't a romance so I didn't expect it either. I'm just a sucker for romance. The story was good anyways though.
I recommend the story to anyone who does not dislike violence. It's a good read and the characters and plot is interesting. I wouldn't call it one of my favorites but it is by no means one of the ones that I have problems with. It has plenty of action and never has parts that you have to drag yourself though to get to the good parts like in some other manga. 

Ookami-heika no Hanayome Opinion

Ookami-heika no Hanayome Manga Opinion Review

Also Called: The Wolf King's Bride

This manga is cute in my opinion. Its light. Not the type I usually read. But well done none the less. It is definitely the best shoujo I have read in a while. I don't usually read shoujo romance. So you have to know that this one is good.

This manga's plot is interesting enough. The king hires Yuurin to be his fake consort. I think there is probably some history that Yuurin forgot or there is something that caught the wolf kings eye before she came to the castle originally. But that is all speculation. The wolf king is supposed to be ruthless and she is frightened of him. So he claims it is all an act and acts cute around her to make her feel comfortable. However, as they grow closer maybe he won't have to only be cute around her. Yuurin is always getting into trouble and is in peril because of something or another and he always helps her. Over all I find it a interesting read. I like historical type books. I like Ruler/Commoner romances and I like strong leads guys. This one has all that. 

Yuurin is also strong in some ways... though she does act young a lot so she gets on my nerves at times. She is the girl who was asked to pretend to be the wolf king's bride. I like that she is true to herself. However my biggest issue is that even throughout many chapters she is still scared of the wolf king when he is ruthless and dominating which is part of his true personality. Its not like he is doing anything to hurt her, in fact she gets scared of him when he is protecting her which is ridiculous in my opinion. She thinks she is falling for him but she won't accept part of who he really is... though since it is a romance, I am sure it will eventually change to be truly mutual and accepting.

The romance is real light. The type of romance they have is suitable to any audience. It is at times annoying to me because the wolf king is handsome and has the right to have multiple consorts but he just sticks to her and he is older and more mature. So I don't really get his reasoning. I understand he doesn't want to marry any of the women who seem to be forcing themselves upon him or their fathers forcing them upon him for political gain or to gain his favor in whatever way, however he could pick another wife that has no background with the palace one that is more mature. I don't understand why he doesn't at this point. This is just my opinion but the sexual tension must be pretty high for him. He must like to punish Sorry I was joking a bit there... but in all seriousness. It is cute. Not a full on romance. Even when they become romantically involved, if that really happens, I assume we won't be seeing much more than kissing. That is just speculation. However, usually in stories that they eventually do more there is more progression by now in the story line towards that. 

I don't really have much to rave about this one. I think it is a good read. One in which all ages can read not just older people. It doesn't have tons of blood or tons of adult situations. I think it is more geared to people who like shoujo manga but that doesn't mean people who like Josei wouldn't like It. I am mostly a Josei reader when it comes to women geared comics and I still am a strong follower of this one. So check it out if you get a chance. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Dendrobates Opinion

Dendrobates Manga Opinion Review

Okay first I would like to start off with the fact that I absolutely hate guns in real life. I could go into my reasons now but that would not be about the manga so I will spare you my thoughts on that issue for now. If you are interested ask sometime and I would be happy to tell you why. So you may be asking why I decided to pick up a manga that is so obviously gun related. Well its simple really, as I said before I have been attempting to read manga and manhwa I would normally pass over because... well.... I have read a lot already and I am running out of ones I can read that fit every single one of my picky criteria. I found some good ones recently, I would have never picked up if I didn't relax my criteria.  This one is the result of me trying one that I was sure I would hate, Just to give it a shot. So to make a long story short. Though I dislike guns, the main character of this story grew on me. So here I am writing my opinion.

This manga is only 6 volumes long and is completed already in Japan. So it is not a terribly long manga but not a 1 volume one either. I have only been able to read up to the first couple chapters of volume 3 so this opinion is based on what I have been able to read so far. Ill start first with the things I think are done well and then I will move on to my personal issues with the manga and what could have been improved or different.

The author and artist did a excellent job with the main character Sengawa. It is apparent to me that they made this character and  then built the story around him and his personality. He is a interesting guy because although he uses guns he is not the cowardly type that kills from far off to avoid the possibility of getting hurt. He fights and is strong in addition to his guns. He has a complicated personality and past too. He hides his strength and even his own personality around those in the police department. He has a co worker he seems to like at least a little. But he isn't really close to anyone. He is really handsome when you see him outside of his job at the police department but he covers it with glasses and a weird office worker hair style at work. He seems to have a strong sense of justice but he claims he is just a killer. Which I guess is true in a way. I am not sure what to make of him exactly, however, that is part of his appeal. I want to know more.

Although some people may find it a bit cliche reading about a vigilante cop, don't let that deter you from checking this story out. I think they did a good job with this one not making it like the movies and books that are out already. The main character doesn't give off the same feeling as the ones in those books and movies. He is actually quite interesting. Sengawa's reasons, personality, and way of doing things is different than in many of the movies and books. If you don't like this story it most likely would not be because of those reasons.

Although the story is still a little less than 1/2 way through. There really hasn't been much in the way of plot development. The main focus is the main character and his different Jobs he takes against the criminals of the city who get away with their crimes and the police cannot solve the problem. The issue with that is that there is still not any mention of a reason that he is in Japan or any type of deep story line or reason to tie it all together. The separate instances get resolved and the manga goes onto a new mini story with nothing to tie them together really except that they are all criminals and that a "client" asked Sengawa to take care of it or he takes notice for some reason. In a way I guess that is okay. But I hope for a more deep story.

If soon there is a deep plot that starts then it may become a manga I can really say was excellent but as of now, I can only give it like a 6 out of 10 score. That is just a personal score. However, I will say, this story does have good potential. I think some people would really enjoy it. I enjoy learning about the main character and I do expect it will start to have more plot soon. I will be able to rate it better at that point. I hope the plot deepens because it would be a waste if Sengawa was part of a story that was not good enough for his character. So I suggest this story to people who are not very young and people who don't mind some violence. Though at this point it is not one I can rave about, it is a good read and it takes a lot to get me to not hate a story with a lot of gun use in it, that said try it out and see for yourself if it sounds interesting. I will update my review when I get to finish the story.  So that I can give you my opinion of the story as a whole. Thanks for reading my opinion.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan Opinion

Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan Manga Opinion Review

This manga is a really sad one. However it is one I would suggest to everyone. If you can read though this whole manga without wanting to cry you don't have a heart. This manga is based off of a South Korean novel  that was also turned into a move. I have not read the novel yet nor have I seen the movie. However, this manga is worth your time. It is short. Only 8 chapters. However, in just that short time it really makes you think and feel more than any manga I have read to date. 

Yuu is unfortunate. He is on death row.  He wants to die in the beginning. He doesn't want to get involved with anyone. He had a horrible life and personally one in which I can understand his snapping. However, that doesn't justify. It is too bad that they didn't decide because of his circumstances he could be commuted to life in prison. Though until he meet Juri, that was not what he wanted at all, he wanted to die. Nobody knew the exact circumstances of his crime and he didn't try to justify in court or make even true excuses. He didn't feel that those circumstances mattered. He felt that his sentience was just. Personally though, the fact that he was able to prevent Juri from wanting to die and wanting to kill her mother, I think he was more valuable alive than dead. I don't think he was a bad guy. He was a guy who had gone past his threshold to withstand the way things were and snapped. Once you die you cannot make up for anything and though the family may want vengence, they will not feel any better about their loss once he is dead unless they are warped. Their loved ones won't come back to life. He was a handsome jaded and sad young man who meet his soul mate a little too late. He was human just like the rest of us. 

Juri was a bit annoying to me in the beginning. However it was because of her trauma that she never really grew older mentally. She was a beautiful and talented young woman with a lot of baggage. As a adult she was jaded, sarcastic, suicidal and a loner. She didn't want to be around anyone. She didn't want to live. She was critical of others but often was hypocritical in her actions and thoughts. She changed so much over the time of this story. Honestly I saw a lot of my own story in Juri's past which is part of the reason why I felt so strongly connected to her character. Her childhood trauma and mine are a lot alike. Yet how she spiraled because of what happened was different than me. In the very beginning I didn't like her, after I heard  her circumstances, I still wasn't fond of her but I understood her, but by the end of the story I really liked her a lot and felt for her and her situation. I suspect this character will grow on others as well over time.

This manga is one that I think everyone should read. Both Men and women, from pre teen to adult at least once. It is really sad and deals with difficult feelings, issues, and situations. Most people will only read it once because of how overwhelming your feelings will be from reading it. Yet it is something everyone should read. I have read it 3 times now. The first time I read it, I didn't know what I was going to read, I read the description and expected it to be tragic but I really didn't know what to expect. The second time I read it, I started it on accident thinking it was one I had not read yet. Then because I started it I had to read it all the way through. The last time I read it again was yesterday when I started this review. The manga didn't loose a single bit of it's impact with multiple readings. This one is a MUST READ.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Green Blood Opinion

Green Blood Manga Opinion Review

Green Blood is not the normal manga I go about reading, but I have over the past couple years read hundreds of romance, supernatural, martial arts, and samurai manga, manhua and manhwa so I decided to give it a try. I hate guns as a rule of thumb so I was steering clear of manga that had a gun using main character. However, I am beginning to have slim pickings of manga that fit all my picky criteria and are still good, so I decided to branch out. Though my personal feelings in real life to guns have not and will not ever change, I decided to try a few. After I tried Gangsta which had both guns and swords, and feel in love with it, I decided to try this one. I used to like to watch westerns when I was younger with my father. This one definitely has that feel to it. So I ended up breaking my rules again and I am glad I did. This manga is a really good one.

To start off with. The drawing is very unique for a Manga. It is done in great detail, however the creator doesn't make the characters without physical flaws or look too good to be human. They have freckles they have scars. Many have weird faces and many are unattractive. I think it is a nice change of pace to have the characters look more like real people. Each picture looks as though it was created with feeling. The amount of detail Green Blood has makes even ones that I thought had good detail before, pale in comparison. The creator obviously a true artist.

The story line is a interesting one. It is about The united states in its infancy. About the gangs, violence, discrimination, and the types of issues and feelings of those just making it into the country. A great deal of study probably had to be done by the creator in order to make this manga correctly and I respect that. This is a good comic western from a eastern country and it is unique. The creator did a really good job of making it so far. I cannot wait to read more.

Brad is my favorite character. He is a good man who is in a bad situation. Being the older brother he stepped up. He knows the way he is living is very wrong. However he froze his heart in order to protect his brother and in order to make the money so they could get out of that hellish area in which they lived and achieve the dreams of his younger brother. He also wished to punish his father. His true personality was a good brother and a good but realistic and slightly cold man. He is a complex guy but over all I see good in him. He also happens to be the only character who is drawn to look good in a rugged way. Most of the other men are drawn to look between normal to really ugly. I think most people will find his character to be a pretty interesting one. 

Luke is the younger brother and works hard for 50 cents a day. He is naive and gets into bad guys business when he sees things happening even though he can't do anything himself and sometimes has to be saved by his brother. He has potential to grow and become a more interesting character. However, as of now, I see him as the nosy little brother who good people like, but is also meddlesome, almost annoyingly so. Although that is the case, he is a good person overall. It will be interesting to see how he grows and changes with time.

Green Blood is a good read so far and I really don't have too much I can say that is bad about it. The action scenes are done well. The people are drawn in great detail and very realistically. The story line is very interesting and unique. I would suggest it to most adults. It is not really a good one for a kid I don't think. There is a lot of blood, there is brothels and sex and guns and gangs. So I think this is not appropriate for anyone under a teen age. Even then, it is iffy. But that is something people will have to decide for themselves. I like it and look forward to new chapters. I hope that it is licensed in English.

Gangsta Opinion

Gangsta Manga Opinion Review

Gangsta was one of the manga that I passed over as soon as I read the name assuming that it was not one that I would find interesting. It wasn't until I watched a MMV that I actually decided to look more into it. I was surprised that the story was not lacking in any way and the characters had a lot of personality and depth to them. It was not at all like my preconceptions of it. So, I ended up falling in love with a story I was sure was not worth reading. I am now anxiously awaiting each release and hope for a time that I can buy English copies of the manga and art. 

In this story the gangsters mirror more of the organized crime mafia gangsters in the way they run their organizations / families and the type of pull they have over the city and police department. The major difference is the setting. Though the city has a police department and the place is called a city. It is more of a city of banished and unwanted. It is run completely by the crime families. Twilights and criminals and excessively poor people live there. Its basically a place outside the law. Twilights are the main issue of the story so far. Twilights are pretty much stuck living there, otherwise they would be killed. Even the city they are allowed in is full of prejudice against their kind. I won't talk too much about the things you learn in the story about twilights. They don't look different than normal people and they have feelings just the same. It is truly sad and unjust how they are treated and some of their stories make me cry.

Every Character in this story is brought to life by the author. They are extremely well drawn and written. The story line keeps readers interested. You can tell the creator spent a lot of time doing their homework and coming up with the backgrounds, situations and personalities for the story. Every time a part of the story illuminates something about the characters it hints that there is more to it than that and leaves you guessing.

My favorite character is Nick. He is a Twilight and he is I think more human than Many of the regular people in this story by my opinion. It is really rare to read about a Deaf main character. I like that rareness. He is not left crippled by it though and has a very interesting personality. He has a good heart. He has been hurt repeatedly. I felt sorry for him for all the things he went through especially as a child. However even now, even with his supposed friend, he still seems to be suffering, but he still smiles and does his best and Jokes. He is not only physically strong but he is not mentally weak either. He sometimes seems like he is ready for it to all end, but although I do not know this for sure, I see things changing for him. I personally like Alex better as his girl than Warricks woman. However, Nick is super loyal to Warrick so I don't know how it would happen. He is cute in his own way. He helps people of his own volition. Although he is violent he is a good guy.

Alex is a great character. She is very mysterious since we are only now seeing small parts of who she was before she was made a prostitute (she lost her memories because of a drug that was given to make the prostitutes more docile). She annoys me a bit with that I am scared of Nick stuff. She seemed to like him the most at first but then he started ignoring her more and then she started finding him scary after she saw him fight. She is scared of Twilights. I don't understand this. Perhaps it is because of her past life which is still unclear to herself and the readers. Warrick seems to be the one who is close to her now. Though he seems self serving and spoiled as well as someone who is not showing his true colors and intentions. I see him as the more dangerous of the 2 if it is between him and Nick. Warrick is a regular guy though and not a twilight.

Warrick is a guy I am not too fond of. He was not bad at all in the beginning. I actually liked him. However as the story wears on I start to see things that I don't really like about him and mysterious things said and done that make me think he might not be a good guy at all. I hope that my intuition about it is wrong but I think he is selfish and blames nick for his father and families deaths when they were the ones hurting him and he was just trying to help him as a twilight mercenary that was all he knew. Nick obviously cared for him deeply as a friend. However, warrick's true feelings though there are some that have come to light so far are still a mystery. I think nick knows though and accepts it. I cannot wait to get the whole story between the 2 and find out what Warricks true motives and thoughts are.

This book is violent so if you don't want to read anything violent at all then this is not for you. However, it is really well done. I would suggest it to anyone who can handle a little violence and adult situations. It is a excellent read.

Below is a good MMV. If you came from my tumblr account then you have already seen it.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Midnight Secretary Opinion

Midnight Secretary Manga Opinion Review

This manga is one of the first Josei Romance Manga I ever tried. At the time I was super into supernatural love stories. This is actually one of the first manga I ever tried that was not so main stream The one before this was vampire knight. Which when I started reading it it was big but not as big as it is now and school life ones got old quick for me so I decided to switch to more mature manga me being almost 30 and all. This one has a ton of smut. I mean just a ton. I would put the smut level on the same level as black bird or Akuma no Eros just with a better story by a long shot so if you dislike smut skip over this review cause this manga is most definitely not going to be your cup of tea. Trust me.
 Now out of all the Josei I have read that are true Josei and not just mislabeled this one is the least mature. The issues the characters have and the way they communicate and their feelings are more on the level of school girl romance than a true Josei at times. However, that is not a major complaint.The whole secretary / boss thing is not a new idea but that didn't affect my good opinion of this manga. I found it to be a very good romance. 
Kyouhei Touma is a very good dominating guy character who is handsome and arrogant. He has qualities many women like in men. I have no complaints about this character. I think he was the perfect guy character for this type of romance in every way. He has a interesting personality. The thing I find most interesting about him and the vampires in this book is that they are not too far off from human. They don't have a ton of extra life beyond human years. They do not have heavy supernatural powers like shooting lightening out of their fingertips or anything like that. So his compatibility with a human woman is not bad. Its not like he will live a eternity after she dies or will have to deal with turning her into his kind. Though it is taboo for the vampires in the manga to love a human.
Kaya was good in the beginning for the most part... as time went on I had more and more issues with her. Though I liked the drawings of her and she wasn't so annoying that i'd write a page about how dumb she is. She was just... more nosy than I thought most guys would like and then her lie was ridiculous  She would tell Kyouhei that she was sleeping with him cause it was part of her job as a secretary to provide him the best blood so it didn't hinder his work... I mean come on, that is a horrible excuse. Also she had no confidence in him. He told her to wait for him once and it wasn't even 2 days before she started looking for him. She even went to his house and stuff. That is too obsessive. She ran away more than once yet claimed she would be there for him... I don't know... I guess I may be a bit hard on her. But when you read you will for sure see some times when she annoys you but there are other times she seems kinda cool.
Overall this is a good read. Not too long and not too short. It could have gone on a few chapters more cause I kinda wondered about something at the end though I cannot tell you what it is or else I will ruin too much of it for you. Suffice to say if you enjoy the Romance genre and don't mind some smut it is well worth your time to try out. Definitely a well written love story.