Sunday, May 5, 2013

Zennou no Noa Opinion

Zennou no Noa Manga Opinion Review

Depending on where you find this manga it may be called Zennou no Noa, Zenno no Noa, or Noa the Almighty or something to that effect. It is a short but good manga I stumbled upon a few nights ago by accident while going through finished projects at some of my favorite scan sites. 

This manga's only major flaw is how short it is. Near the end it almost seems as though it could be a dropped manga. They ended it really fast without enough explanation and they could have really done so much more with it. However, it was still good despite this fact and worth checking out for those who have not tried it yet.

Noa is a really interesting character. In the beginning you really couldn't tell what type of guy he was. His personality sort of reminds me of Lelouch in Code Geass, but he's different too. He keeps you guessing that's for sure. 

I have many unanswered questions to this manga. I may write a fan fiction eventually just to satisfy myself. I couldn't find any fan fic surprisingly enough though.

Below here is a few things i wanted to say that are spoiler-ish so don't read the next paragraph if you don't want to:

I had some major questions about this manga that should have been included in the manga. For instance what happened after the missiles went off and the bright light at the end? he seemed to have regretted deploying them at that point but it was too late. Though he was able to make one that gave everyone their memories back before so i assume he could just do that. Also, how did he become the ruler before the story took place and he lost his memories? He said everyone inside that building would keep their memories intact. What happened between him and the police officer? What about the kids that were his brother and sister when he lost his memory. What happened to them after their memories were erased again? That's just the beginning of the unanswered questions. 

End of spoiler.

I think this is well worth people's time to read. it's short and interesting. It claims to be ecchi but i didn't see really much if any of that at all. I would say it is not inappropriate in that way for most people. Though perhaps i am wrong. Ill let you draw your own conclusions. This manga would be interesting to people who enjoy action and psychological genre's mostly. Though their claims to be romance there is actually very little. There is a little sexual harassment by a teacher but that's as questionable as it gets.

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