Sunday, May 26, 2013

Honorable Baek Dong Soo Opinion

Honorable Baek Dong Soo Manhwa Opinion Review

(The Swordsman)

This Manhwa has a great story line to it and the art is in my opinion really awesome. I love historical genre, though it may at times only loosely fit history. History is really interesting in my opinion especially war and conflict so I usually enjoy these types as long as there is some depth and story line to it and good art.
This Manhwa is complete in Korea and has become a well known K-Drama so when you look it up many times you will stumble on the K-drama even more than the Manhwa itself. I have not had the chance to watch the show yet. However, I hope I can find a subtitled version at some point because from the shots I had seen looked pretty interesting. However, personally I prefer to read.
I have only been able to read 2 volumes of this Manhwa so far since that is all that is scanned into English. I hope it makes it to be licensed in English but as of now it is licensed in French, which gives me at least some hope for English copies. The people who originally did the scans have put the project on hold about a year ago. Though they have not dropped it completely so hopefully they will pick it back up when they have some time. Honestly I wish they would replace it with one of their others until it is finished. However, they do scan a few of my favorites on a regular basis so maybe I am being selfish. It has left me really hoping to be able to finish reading it though. I wish I could read French.
The main character's name is the same as the title, Baek Dong Soo. He is a interesting guy who seems slightly thick headed but has good instincts for fighting. He has the type of personality I enjoy in a main character of this genre. He is a underdog now but has a huge amount of latent talent which is like the usual main characters in these types of stories. However, there are tons of mysteries surrounding him and others within the Manhwa. There is also lots of conspiracies, and many things that are not how they appear even in the early stages of the story. This Manhwa grabs the attention of it's readers and keeps it.
The art is really good. The characters are drawn intricately and the fight scenes are drawn extremely well too. The art does a good job of living up to the story. Personally other than the fight scenes I like how the clothing is drawn. I know that is a odd thing to pay attention to, however, that is just me. One of my biggest issues with some other manga and Manhwa out there is that the story is great but the art doesn't live up to the story. In this one however, the art never disappoints.
I suggest this to anyone who enjoys historical and action genres. It is a violent story so if you dislike that type, you probably will not like this one. However if you like action, you will most likely enjoy this Manhwa like me. So check it out. 

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