Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Home Opinion

Home Manga Opinion Review

This is a short 2 volume romance manga about a Spanish girl and a samurai falling in love as well as all the things that happen that drive them together and cause them drama. I think its a pretty good manga. It has its faults but over all its worth spending a little time reading. I originally got into this one cause I am obsessive with samurai stories. In particular ones that have a romance element to them. This one had both so I had to read it. However, though it was worth my time reading and enjoyable, it came up slightly short of my expectations. The the only big issue I had was that the author seemed to be rushing it. It had a lot more potential than what the story finished as. The author didn't follow through with some good set ups for plot thickening and events that could have been expanded on. Overall, it gives a person their fix of light romance though. So I suggest it to people who enjoy Historical Romance especially ones with samurai.

I like the way that the creator drew the characters in this manga. They are made with a ton of expression and attention to detail. The characters are very well developed and seem to come alive in the beginning especially Koujirou (the samurai), he is is drawn well and he wears his personality type on his face which is cool to see in drawings. He is the type of guy I like in mangas. The physically strong, defensive at first yet devoted type, with a strong will, but capable of being very loving and sweet. He is my favorite character in the manga by far.

I like Maria's character too, not really because of her personality too much but because of the way she is drawn. I also like all the different outfits they put her into throughout only 2 volumes. The Dress she wore in Japan with the Jewelry looked very beautiful on her. I truly liked the art of Maria. She was young and naive and a burden when people were trying to protect her, yet to be honest most of the female leads in Samurai manga get themselves into trouble like that so it wasn't like I wasn't expecting it.

Some people had qualms about how fast the main characters learned each other's languages. But I don't. They were determined to do so, also if you are stuck in another country without knowing the language you would be surprised how fast you pick up some words and common phrases. Especially with someone is helping you the best they are able. I don't think their learning the other's language quickly is a stretch. Also, The manga was not defining how long it was taking the person to do so. Maria learned on the boat from spain to mexico then mexico to Japan. She did not learn overnight. That voyage was not 1 day or 2 days long I am sure. Kojirou learned some spanish but he was healing at their house and it was not determined how long he was there being healed. So it is possible that it was months.

Over all this manga was good but short. Too short really for such a good subject. They could have done many other things that would have made the story better. However, I respect the work and especially liked the art of the characters. I would suggest this to people who enjoy the light romance Genre.

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