Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Adabana Opinion

Adabana Manga Opinion Review

Adabana is one of the most awesome oneshots I have ever read. It really is too bad it has never been licensed in English  Though it probably has a bit too much gore and is probably a bit too poetic for Shouen Jumps taste in oneshots even though it is Shouen manga.

This is within my top 5 favorite oneshots. It is extremely well written and very interesting. It is about a swordsman who is never named who becomes the wielder of the Dark Flower, a cursed demonic sword. There is a young girl trying to save her small town from someone who claims to be the owner of the Dark Flower. That person killed her parents and was moving on to the new village she is living in now so she was trying to find help.

the manga left me really wishing to know the name of the swordsman, but he was just known as the swordsman who wielded the dark flower all the way through the story. He had a pretty unique personality which I enjoyed reading about. The thing I liked best about him though was his eyes. While he was acting as just a normal traveler, they seemed to be almost shut. You could not look into them. When he faced people in earnest about what he was or when he fought seriously he opened his eyes and you could see his cold "1000 yard stare" (a way to define battle P.T.S.D.).

Overall I would suggest this manga to anyone who is not really young. It is a good read and has good morals to it about revenge. It is too bad it was not longer but that is really the only qualm I have about it other than that I would have liked to know the name of the swordsman.

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