Saturday, March 9, 2013

Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan Opinion

Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan Manga Opinion Review

This manga is a really sad one. However it is one I would suggest to everyone. If you can read though this whole manga without wanting to cry you don't have a heart. This manga is based off of a South Korean novel  that was also turned into a move. I have not read the novel yet nor have I seen the movie. However, this manga is worth your time. It is short. Only 8 chapters. However, in just that short time it really makes you think and feel more than any manga I have read to date. 

Yuu is unfortunate. He is on death row.  He wants to die in the beginning. He doesn't want to get involved with anyone. He had a horrible life and personally one in which I can understand his snapping. However, that doesn't justify. It is too bad that they didn't decide because of his circumstances he could be commuted to life in prison. Though until he meet Juri, that was not what he wanted at all, he wanted to die. Nobody knew the exact circumstances of his crime and he didn't try to justify in court or make even true excuses. He didn't feel that those circumstances mattered. He felt that his sentience was just. Personally though, the fact that he was able to prevent Juri from wanting to die and wanting to kill her mother, I think he was more valuable alive than dead. I don't think he was a bad guy. He was a guy who had gone past his threshold to withstand the way things were and snapped. Once you die you cannot make up for anything and though the family may want vengence, they will not feel any better about their loss once he is dead unless they are warped. Their loved ones won't come back to life. He was a handsome jaded and sad young man who meet his soul mate a little too late. He was human just like the rest of us. 

Juri was a bit annoying to me in the beginning. However it was because of her trauma that she never really grew older mentally. She was a beautiful and talented young woman with a lot of baggage. As a adult she was jaded, sarcastic, suicidal and a loner. She didn't want to be around anyone. She didn't want to live. She was critical of others but often was hypocritical in her actions and thoughts. She changed so much over the time of this story. Honestly I saw a lot of my own story in Juri's past which is part of the reason why I felt so strongly connected to her character. Her childhood trauma and mine are a lot alike. Yet how she spiraled because of what happened was different than me. In the very beginning I didn't like her, after I heard  her circumstances, I still wasn't fond of her but I understood her, but by the end of the story I really liked her a lot and felt for her and her situation. I suspect this character will grow on others as well over time.

This manga is one that I think everyone should read. Both Men and women, from pre teen to adult at least once. It is really sad and deals with difficult feelings, issues, and situations. Most people will only read it once because of how overwhelming your feelings will be from reading it. Yet it is something everyone should read. I have read it 3 times now. The first time I read it, I didn't know what I was going to read, I read the description and expected it to be tragic but I really didn't know what to expect. The second time I read it, I started it on accident thinking it was one I had not read yet. Then because I started it I had to read it all the way through. The last time I read it again was yesterday when I started this review. The manga didn't loose a single bit of it's impact with multiple readings. This one is a MUST READ.

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