Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Wife in Time Opinion

A Wife in Time Harlequin Manga Opinion Review

(Akai Houseki no Himitsu) 

This is a harlequin and one of my very favorite Harlequins too. It's a short one. Only about 125 pages from start to finish. Also unlike many harlequins other than the harlequin pink series which is for the younger crowd. It has no sex in it so it is not a bad one for young teen girls to read. 
If I am being honest. I tend to be pretty hard on women characters. I am not sure why. I think it might have something to do with the fact that they are representing our gender. However, in this one the girl did not annoy me in any way. She was strong, but in a womanly way. She was smart, had good intuition, and wasn't super dramatic or needy like many other women in manga. She was real down to earth. So she is my favorite character in this manga. 
As with all harlequin it is based on a novel. Since it was one of my favorites of all the harlequin manga I will probably check out the novel too. However, I have not gotten a chance to buy it yet. I will also add a bit about the novel here when I get the chance to buy and read all of it.
The guy was kinda more straight laced than the type of guy that I enjoy reading about. However, he wasn't bad and he became more interesting to me as time went on throughout the story. He was a bit annoying at the very beginning when he was accusing her, but i understand that it was needed for the plot to work so it is forgivable.
Over all I enjoyed the story. I thought the characters were pretty realistic. The story was unique and the art was pretty good for a harlequin. Some harlequin manga have horrible art. But this artist did a good job. I don't really have a ton to say. Though the manga was short. Its shortness did not affect how good the story was in any way. I suggest it to anyone who enjoys harlequins as well as anyone who likes romance genre in general. Check it out.

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